Soda machine

November 2019

George Costanza was in a restaurant. Two Indian men grabbed his arms and said they would put him in a soda machine, and that he would be entirely submerged in soda except for when the customers filled up their cups, "and that's when you'll get your chance to breathe. Any questions?" George looked at the men and timidly said "What are the chances of ... not doing it?"


December 2019


The Democrats had decided to flood the Senate with either 63 or 65 impeachment articles, figuring that they would spend so much time on each of them that they would have time for little else, and that at least some of the articles were likely to pass even if the Republicans became impatient.

Malfunctioning stove

December 22, 2019

At 450F, an island stove was malfunctioning as I was cooking rice and beef in it. I think the stove actually ejected the pot like in cartoons and the food spilled all over the floor.

Malfunctioning computer

December 27, 2019

Changing text

A window on my computer was malfunctioning, showing constantly changing text. I think I loaded a screen recorder to show what was going on ... or maybe the screen recorder program was the one that was malfunctioning. After a few minutes it began to calm down, in a gradual way that seemed unnatural for a computer.

The teenager's treehouse

As a joke, a teenage girl in a treehouse was talking about how LePen was in love with Satan.


December 29, 2019


Seated at a long table about halfway down, I'm participating in a quiz of some kind. The host of the quiz was on the other side of the table, and she asked a question "What did LePage found at age 12?" I thought for a few seconds while the others started to guess, and then yelled out "Audubon!" I mispronounced it slightly but I don't remember what part I got wrong.

A few seconds later, a woman further down than me said in a voice of praise, "That does not seem to have been hesitated." And I think a different person near her said, "I told you, he's good." I think I had actually answered at the same time as someone else, and that their answer was also correct, but I don't remember if it was the same answer as mine or if he had founded two things. They were surprised that I was able to match their best contestant, even if just on that one question. However, I think my answer was a split second later than the other's.

The dream became abstract at this point, and I remember seeing words spelled out including JIMMY DORE     GRACE with the words PEABOD YX and then ESSEX MA underneath that. Hitler was also mentioned somewhere, as was the phrase "OF COURSE!"


A separate dream involved me finding in my red notebook that Anita, a character I had created in my childhood comics, was originally named Jen. I thus had a dark-haired Jen and a blonde Jen. Yet another snippet of a dream involved Walmart, and I think I was working at Walmart in this dream but I remember nothing else.

Therapy bus

January 1, 2020

Skinny Robae

I was on a crowded bus with my parents and many others in Portland. We had been traveling for fifty minutes and were still not at our destination yet. The bus made a stop at a store that was in a large multistory building. Inside this building was a therapy group that some other riders were going to. I wasn't interested, but I decided to get off the bus at that stop anyway and enter the building, and then walk a bit further to the left inside the complex. I nearly bump into a handicapped woman and then turn back around. Another woman was watching me as I approached her; I think she was the caretaker of the handicapped woman.

Then I go outside, and meet a large Native American man who starts talking about a band named "Skinny Robae". He accused the band members of killing a baby boy, and is happy that I'm listening to him. I told him I wasn't going anywhere, and would be there for at least some hours. Either just before this or just after, I had checked dozens of rooms inside the building (not the part with the therapy group) and saw many men in small rooms, perhaps including bathrooms.


January 3, 2020

I was in a store, and had a choice of black shoes versus some others.

Scrap dreams

January 4, 2020


Sal returned to the board as "Sal_-wiki" or "Sal_-web" and said he couldn't get his *new* account to work properly.


I was at my warehouse job, working mostly in a basement that was accessed by a door on the far left of the 3rd floor. There was at least one room, and probably several, that I had to pass through to get from the third floor to the warehouse, and they were furnished rooms. The building resembled a school in some ways.

With some others, I was carrying supplies through the door to the warehouse, and we went back and forth several times. But after some time, a quiet smoke alarm went off and I realized that there was blue smoke in a warehouse on the third floor (not the one we were working in).

Playing with bops, and I remember choosing the number 72 as an example of a particularly low number, as if most of the others had three digits.

The Lollipop Boy

January 5, 2020

The Lollipop Boy

I was walking along the trail in the woods by the local YMCA on a hot summer day. I stayed close behind a 2-year-old boy who was singing me a song with 13 notes on one stanza ... this song was a story and from the melody it seemed like it might be a sad one but with hopefully a happy ending. The melody was vaguely similar to Greensleeves but the lines were shorter.

The boy's parents were to the left of him walking in lock step with him and me. The boy's singing was very good, and I asked if he was signed up with a company even though I believed I already knew that he was part of a children's band called the Lollipops. I dont remember if I got an answer to this question, but I soon asked another one, because I noticed the boy had stopped singing. I said something like "Wait, I wanted to hear what happened to the ..." and then the boy's parents showed me that the boy had passed out from the heat and was lying on his left cheek. They picked him up and put him in a stroller that I hadn't paid attention to until then.

I offered to revive the boy by going home to get a bottle of water, since I was close to my home and wasn't sure the parents were close to theirs. I decided as I walked home that I would also get one for myself, since it was indeed very hot out. The brand name of the water bottles was Crystal Geyser.

As I was walking home, however, another man with a dark beard warned the parents not to trust me, but I think I kept going without answering him.


A separate and much shorter dream involved me turning my phone in for an iPhone 5, or possibly iPhone 5s. I think I had the choice of either one and that they were my mother's old phones. I remember not liking the iPhones but figuring that I could always switch to something else if I got too annoyed by the user interface, since I wasn't paying anything.

The lollipop dream is the first dream since the Onion ring dream in late 2014 in which I specifically remember doing something nice for someone else.


January 6, 2020


UIS ("Borg") was on a deck of playing cards.

Candidates in the closet

January 7, 2020


I remember a grid of presidential candidates. I think all of the Democrats were there, but that there might have been other Republicans besides Trump available. Clicking the icons would load election night competitions. I may have been pulling on the election night simulation videos I've been watching lately, but I also remember in the dream thinking that the icons were themselves links to dreams, as though I had had a dream for each possible matchup.

The boy in the closet

A young boy (perhaps just two years old) was in my bedroom closet, but he got stuck on a straight rubber coathook attached to the wall and spun around up over it and then fell back and landed on the floor. A woman, presumably his mother, was also in my bedroom, as were her two other children, I think a girl and a boy. All of them were very young, and the girl and boy may have been twins since they looked similar and were the same size.

The girl and boy walked towards me and climbed up on my bed. I think the boy was on my left and the girl was on my right. I wasn't paying much attention to them, though ... I was worried the mother would sue me for the injury the youngest boy suffered in my closet. But I got the impression that she realized it wasn't my fault and that she wasn't angry at me.  I don't think I ever left my bed during the entire dream.

I dont remember what my bed looked like in this dream, but I think it was full size, because the children had plenty of room to crawl around.  The rest of the bedroom was unlike any bedroom I've lived in, which is common for my dreams.

Usually children in my dreams live independently and behave in many ways like adults. This is the second consecutive dream in which a young boy is accompanied by a parent.

New dryer

January 7, 2020


"The French" were involved in ruining my clothes. I was looking for a new apartment, and had an appointment to interview someone who would help determine if I would be a good tenant. My clothes had been washed and dried, but my mother had put them into a second machine underneath the dryer which would for five cents distribute help to a family in need. But when I looked at the clothes, they were all ruined. I still had one pair of pants, because I had never washed the pants in the first place, but I was upset because most of the clothes I'm attached to were in that machine.

My parents have recently bought a new washer and dryer. I no longer remember what the French involvement in this dream was .... but "French" was the first word I spoke into the voice recorder.

Wine and women

January 7, 2020


My dad was mowing the lawn, but the building we were in didn't look like our house. My mother was also there, as were many other people. I remember I had a bottle of wine about 40% full in the freezer (but in the dream, it was a fridge), and I didn't want anyone to see that, so I grabbed it when I was alone in the room. It was late. I walked with the wine bottle visible towards my bedroom, and my dad was a flight above me and I figured he probably did see it but I didn't stop or make any sound as he passed me.

Two women

A very short young Asian woman and a woman I believe was her mother were with me in a large open room with cabinets about four feet high attached to the walls. It was somewhat like a drawing room or a science lab but there was no furniture in the middle of the room. I looked at the young woman's pajamas and saw some words with "aa" in them, so I figured the language was Tagalog and that the women were Filipina.

I was leaning against one of the cabinets, whose door was open. The younger woman ran towards me and grabbed my left hip, but I didn't move, and she couldn't get into the cabinet with my body blocking her path. Why she didn't go around me, I don't know. Nevertheless, just a few seconds later, I moved out of her path and she crawled into the cabinet and through the closed-off area leading around the corner and to the other side of the room.

Yes, I had five dreams in a single night, and I may have even had a sixth, because I remember waking up after a dream and telling myself not to write it down because I knew that sleep was better than dreams. I had two more dreams the next night, but didn't bother recording them because I felt I had had enough and that I would rather get back to sleep immediately than take time to preserve the dreams.

Broken batteries

January 9, 2020

"Iman" and two others stole over $800 for me on a table in a store resembling Walgreens. I fought back by stealing some expensive batteries that were sitting on their own table, and confirmed that the batteries I was swiping were indeed worth hundreds of dollars apiece, and presumed that they would have to pay to replace them. But they didn't seem worried and I soon realized that the batteries I took from them were used up and thus worthless.

This store had aisles and I remember at one point being in the back of the store were there were roll-up adhesive wall maps.


January 9, 2020

I was lying face down in bed as another man set up cameras to film a scene for his amateur porn movie, where he was the top and I was the bottom. I was a little bit impatient because I wasn't interested in the movie, but I was still happy. As he detailed what he was about to do to me, I listened and asked a few questions. I only remember the last one: "Safe?" (As in, was he going to be wearing a condom?) And he said "Yes, of course!" or something like that.


January 9, 2020

I was playing Jeopardy with Asian women on board a boat. (The host was female, but I didn't write down if she was also Asian.) I was sitting at the edge of the boat, not saying much. I think the question was "Ginocchio" and the woman I was supporting yelled out "Knee!" and then I followed up with "We got it!" Thus, I was in the game even though I wasn't behind a podium, and we were playing as a team.

But the answer was not "knee", but rather "eye". The clue was a pun, and I had not understood that. The woman awarded us 4 points, which I think was less than half of the full value of the clue. She said "It's okay, it's not alright, it's alright, it's not alright". Ken Jennings was in this match as well, and it was the grand championship.

The Italian words for knee and eye are respectively ginocchio and occhio, but in my waking mind I don't see any pun involved here.

Inconvenience store

January 10, 2020

I was in line at a Walgreens-like store, and remember paying but not getting the things I had paid for.


January 14, 2020


It seemed that a particular Wikipedia article had been edited by George Carlin, because several paragraphs in a row were very similar to something he had once said. But because Carlin was no longer alive, we couldn't confirm that it was actually his.


January 14, 2020

I was in this game again, this time in person rather than playing with a controller. All of the blocks were white but I was hiding from them instead of trying to clear them off the board. I realized that I could hide by going to an area on the opposite side of where they were moving. A woman, "AB", was with me, and was on the opposite side from me horizontally. Like me, she was hiding from the blocks to avoid being crushed. Neither of us seemed worried that the game board would disappear, and it seems like the blocks were simply rolling off the board over and over without causing the board to collapse.

I don't know the significance of the woman being called AB .... I don't think those were initials.

The necklace

January 15, 2020

In a school with lots of rooms, I'm in a gymnasium on the bottom floor. I walked through several different rooms. I saw lots of bathrooms as well. Lots of kids were present. I found a tiny necklace that looked like a generic bronze-like metal and picked it up.

A young girl ran towards me immediately and bumped into me, and I said "Whoa whoa whoa whoa, I didn't even do it yet!" I knew the necklace was hers. Some other people mostly didn't interact with me, but I was walking through their areas.

This dream might be partly a subconscious recycling of the Zager dream, where at the very end of the dream, a young girl with some sort of superpowers came running to me carrying the bracelet that provided her powers, and when she got close I started pulling on the bracelet. (It wasn't clear if I was trying to take it away from her or if that was my way of indicating that I wanted to share.)

Though I didn't give the necklace back, I think I may have been in a mood less angry and more playful than my words suggest. I didn't do whatever trick it was I was talking about doing, and may have been planning to give the necklace back once I had gotten a reaction out of her.

Oklahoma victory

January 15, 2020

Trump achieved victory in the state of Oklahoma. I was with someone and we may have been eating at Applebee's.

This is another dream that would probably make a lot more sense if I had written it down, but as much as I love dreams, I've been telling myself that sleep is even better than dreams, and sometimes I remember just a fragment of the dream.

"Tabbycat" (a code name) was apparently with me in this dream.

Bad dishes

January 15, 2020

I was eating at a Chinese buffet restaurant called AC Moore. The dishes were laid out on top of the serving area, but I noticed a lot of them were dirty and had to root through them to find ones I felt safe eating from. Some other customers saw me doing this and seemed annoyed. The food didn't look that great either. After I had had two plates (I think maybe I had had chicken and a bowl of rice), I left the restaurant and met my parents.

Soon after I met up with my parents, I wanted to go back to the restaurant to get more food, but I knew that even though it was a buffet, I would not be let back in because I had had my meal and then left.


January 16, 2020

I was with the Bernie Sanders campaign, and they were talking about how in 2016, they had been hacked or had gotten a virus of some sort. I think they may have been running against Elizabeth Warren at the time, even though it was the 2016 campaign.

I remember the next dream much more clearly than this one, and may have corrupted some elements of this one with events that happened in the other one.

The Helping Hand

January 16, 2020

Just like a mobile phone

My parents were using the computer and were running Adobe Photoshop. I think my mother was seated. But when she went to minimize the program, the computer didn't respond. I think she got up from the chair and may have asked me what was wrong. After a few seconds, an oversized hand with huge, round, slightly squared-off fingers appeared on the screen and appeared to tap in the general area of where she had clicked the mouse. For almost a full minute, the computer was unresponsive, but various things happened very slowly. Several times, the entire interface "simplifed" and shook, which is something that I think used to happen in older versions of Windows when the system was under severe strain. Finally the oversized hand disappeared slowly off the bottom of the screen, and revealed (though it was obvious by now) that it was a virus, seemingly one that was meant to simulate all the frustration of a mobile UI. To drive the point home, the virus then tunneled through the bottom of the screen and burned out the user's genitals, leaving them emasculated and utterly helpless. (But by this time, none of us was sitting in the chair.)

Gory movie

January 16, 2020

I was watching two toddlers watch a gory movie, which they showed more interest in than I did. They were on a lounge chair, both sharing the same seat, while I was leaning over that lounge chair. I don't think I had any place else to sit. The kids seemed entirely unfazed by the movie and as I got up to go to the bathroom I realized that they were enjoying it and I wasn't.

Five minutes to eat

January 17, 2019

I arrived at the cafeteria 25 minutes after the lunch period began, meaning that I only had five minutes left. Most of the food was already gone, and there were no plates or napkins. The women serving the food served me a meal consisting of a single enormous salad, mostly lettuce, topped with slices of cheese. They gave me a pile of large paper bags to use as a plate, and small ones to use as napkins.

This sounds like a school dream, but I never left the cafeteria, and didn't get the impression that I had anywhere to go after the lunch was over.

Global warming

January 18, 2020

Looking at NOAA's Seasonal Outlook, I saw that 2020 was forecast to be the warmest year ever, but that New England's 2020 winter would actually be about average. This was originally a longer dream but I remember only this bit.


January 19, 2020

Alex Trebek was a contestant on a game show, and one of the questions was, "Alex Trebek was on this show". There was a difference in scoring depending on whether the contestant answered Jeopardy or Final Jeopardy.

Eclipse 3030

January 19, 2020

Eclipse 3030 was a Christian TV channel, and had a very long commercial about a woman whom they objected to. There was a song sung by children. But it was a happy song, starting out with "She believes in the word of the Lord," and then said something else nice about her before going on to the things they objected to. The songs were closed-captioned.

They were also selling some unrelated products, nothing to do with the woman, and the commercial as a whole was about 90 seconds long. This was still closed-captioned, and there were a few misspellings, such as "sym" and "som" for some.

In the voice recorder I said something that sounds like "Purple Ease Sorbit Offit", but I think I just said "Her beliefs were a little bit off, it...".


January 19, 2020

Veronica from Archie Comics was cooking? and had a portable bureau, but called it her digital assistant. It opened up drawers and had financial papers, not clothes. She was upset because something had happened to it and all of the things were out of alignment (I remember seeing papers sticking up out of the top, not from a drawer.) She fixed it, and later gave someone, either a date or a potential business partner, a tour of her kitchen, which was enormous, the size of a house but all one room. There were multiple stoves and other appliances. She showed the man every little detail, saying, for example, "this is grease" while pointing to a pan that had been used and not cleaned. She took a very long time to get through the kitchen.

At this point, someone began a voice-over, saying Veronica was doing everything wrong, had lost the man's interest, and that things like this were why people dislike Veronica. The woman then imitated Veronica's voice and said, "Oh, why don't we go to the Sith?" Evidently this was some popular attraction that was only available to rich people. The woman then said, "Oh, I wish I had a Sith, I'd go feed the chiducks!"

Dreams in the shower

January 19, 2020

Hot Night

I was with a roommate, Matt L., in an unfamiliar room with two small windows above my bed and I think two more above his. The windows were wider than they were tall, and had screens, but I think the screen on the window nearest me didn't go quite all the way to the bottom. It was very hot in our room even though it was a cold winter night. I think this was due to a hot shower one of us had taken. I realized I needed to open one of the windows if I was going to get any sleep.

Matt wasn't sleeping either, but didn't seem bothered, and I got the impression that he didn't want me to open the window. So I decided to open it just a very little bit, exposing the part where the screen door didn't come all the way down. I worried that spiders might get in, but when I looked again it seemed like the screen door covered the whole window space after all.

Let it Flow

I remember just the end of what was apparently a separate dream: I was taking a shower, but had to leave the water on for some reason when I left, and even when I left the building.

While it would make sense that these two snippets might belong to the same dream, I wrote them down in the opposite order, and may have corrupted the first dream with the shower element of the second dream. Still, it's possible that I wrote them in the opposite order because Hot Night was actually the newest dream, and was more fresh in my mind.


January 19, 2020

I dreamt that I found a notebook from my teenage years in which I had written down all sorts of things, and apparently there was a neat little list of dreams that I had had, and mostly had not remembered until finding the notebook. I was excited to read them, but there were only a few of them. There were many other things in the notebook that I was also interested in.

I had six dreams this night, unless the two shower dreams were parts of the same dream. This one is the only one I didn't write down or record, so I'm not sure where it belongs sequentially.

Only children pray

January 20, 2020

I was part of a group that was supposed to walk through the woods, and just as we exited we were supposed to pray. I objected to this because it seemed like we were praying to the woods, not to God. Most and perhaps all of the others in the group were young students.

My dad may have been indirectly responsible for this; that is, he caused me to need to sign up for the group, but did not himself know about the group.


January 21, 2020


We were punching Bernie Sanders in the face repeatedly, having discovered that it was "equivalent" to a debate and much easier.


A tiny fragment of a dream I remember involved someone walking around the world while spelling words, and this was some kind of sport similar to a spelling bee.

More Bernie Sanders dreams

January 22, 2020


I remember having even more Bernie Sanders dreams that I didn't write down. I also had a dream about someone named Bernie Mallers, or something very similar, who was running for office in Oregon and may have been running for president.